It's my blog's second birthday!
I love blogging, and also how my blog has become my online sketchbook. I also really enjoy the blogging community. It's a nice way to network with people all over the world, and I LOVE networking.
You can read my post from a year ago, when I celebrated my blog's first birthday, and also read my first blog post from Sunday, March 4, 2007.
I do have comments turned off on my blog, but doesn't mean I don't want to discuss my posts. I just prefer discussing it via email, phone or in person. Over the past two years, I've received many emails that share info and discuss my posts. If you'd ever like to write to me, my email address is jeanne@jeannewilliamson.com. If you want to call or snail mail me, go to my website, and click on my "contact" page for that information.
Happy Second Birthday Blog! I look forward to writing more posts, and also meeting more people. - Jeanne