It's my blog's first birthday! My first blog post was on Sunday, March 4, 2007, where I jumped right in talking about my art work.
In early 2007, my book agent insisted I start a blog. I answered with a flat out "NO!", but we continued to debate it off and on. At first, I couldn't explain to her why I didn't want to do it, but after some soul searching, I realized it's because my blog reading experience at the time was only from reading negative local issues, with no positives. Besides the negative content, the blog I was reading at the time was moderated by someone who edited or deleted comments as he saw fit, and that's when I realized that I didn't want to have a blog that's negative, and I felt uncomfortable about reading comments, whether positive or negative. I decided that if I blogged about art (my favorite subject), and if I didn't have comments turned on, my comfort level would be good.
Even though I do have comments turned off on my blog, that doesn't mean I don't want to discuss my posts. I just prefer discussing it via email, phone or in person. If you'd ever like to write to me, my email address is jeanne@jeannewilliamson.com. If you want to call or snail mail me, go to my website, and click on my "contact" page for that information.
Since blogging for a year, I have made many new friends from all over the world, and I have found a community of artistic (and positive) blogs, many of which I read on a regular basis. Because of my blog, I have been thinking more about my inspiration, and about my art process, and the steps I take to get to my goals as an artist. My blog has turned in to my online sketchbook, and I'm glad I'm doing it. Blogging is also a nice way to network with people all over the world, and I LOVE networking.
So, Happy Birthday Blog. I look forward to many more years of posting, and meeting more people as a result of it. - Jeanne