It's a collaged painting made with monoprinted construction fence fabric and acrylic skins of photos of a neighbor's lawn with leaves last fall.
This is my tenth year working on my 12 x 12 x 12 series. It gives me time to create one 12" x 12" x 1" piece on board each month. It's a wonderful opportunity for me to experiment with an idea or technique or a combination of both. Some of the pieces over the months and years have been really good, and others not so much. The only rules I have are that I have make something in the given month, and I can't throw the work out, even if it's unsuccessful.
Last autumn I took hundreds of photos of leaves or pine needles to use in the 2016 12 x 12 x 12 series. I look forward to using more of them for the rest of the year. I'm also using autumn photographs in a series that's in process. More about that at a later date.