The Fence As Lace #12
mixed media on stiffened fabric
73" x 29"
I've completed one of my summer goals, finishing The Fence As Lace #12, which I started a few weeks ago.
This piece is created with strips of monoprinted and stiffened fabric that were left over from my two week artist residency at the Vermont Studio Center, which I returned home from a month ago.
The Fence As Lace #12 is a continuation of my The Fence As Lace series, which explores the lace-like qualities of construction fences. This piece is a much larger companion piece to The Fence As Lace #11 which is a companion piece to The Fence As Lace #10, which is horizontal instead of vertical.
For more information, as well as bigger images and detail shots, please check out The Fence As Lace series on my website.
I have now used up all of the leftover strips of fabric from my residency. When I was in Vermont, I monoprinted, painted, (sometimes) sewed, and then stiffened 21 yards of 60" wide white cotton fabric. After creating 12 pieces in total, I am proud to report that I have thrown out less than a half yard of fabric as scrap. All that I have left from the 21 yards now are hundreds of round edged square "holes" I cut out of many of the pieces from this series as I followed the pattern of the monoprinted construction fences. I'm still thinking about how I would like to use them.