My front and back yard installations have been in my yard for nine months now. I installed them in May 2010, and since then they've lived through rain, snow, wind storms and bright sunny days.
Above is the the piece in my back yard and below the front. When I posted pictures a week ago, there was still a lot of snow surrounding both pieces. We've had warmer weather and the snow is melting quickly.
In my backyard, the bottom of the fabric has a little surface dirt which can be easily washed off because the fabric is coated with matt medium which makes it easy to wash. The dirt is almost impossible to see because there's also a lot of light black fabric paint at the bottom where the dirt is.
The only "damage" is to a section of the piece in the front of my house. After its being outside for nine months, there is a little rust on it from the stake I used to hold a part of it up. No big deal. Next time I'll use something that won't rust. Unlike the surface dirt on my backyard piece, I think the rust may have penetrated through to the fabric. I'll try to take a closer look at it soon to see.
In the next week or so, I do need to trim the clematis that's growing on my backyard installation off of it and back to the ground. I really should do it in the fall, but I like seeing the snow on it over the winter. When I do trim it, I'll get to see if there is any staining beneath it.
Besides my own artwork, I also have a number of sculptures in my postage stamp sized yard by different artists. I have must say that my fabric pieces are holding up just as well as the metal ones. Most of the other sculptures also have rust on them, so it's no problem that mine does too. I'm quite happy about that!
Oh! And besides all of the snow melting, prove that spring is coming is that my rhubarb is starting to peak it's head out of the dirt in my garden! And so are my day lilies!