Sol LeWitt: A Wall Drawing Retrospective is on exhibit at the Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art, in North Adams, MA through the year 2033.
Here are some interesting articles about the show:
"The writing on the wall, Mass MoCA fills a 3-story building with a tribute to Sol LeWitt," by Geoff Edgers on November 2, 2008, in The Boston Globe.
In vast LeWitt show, absurdity and beauty, A Minimalist and Conceptual leader, ready to please a crowd again," by Sebastian Smee on November 16, 2008, in The Boston Globe.
"Sol Lewitt at Mass MoCA" Posted by James Nadeau on November 16, 2008 on Our Daily Red.
And, you might want to read "Historic Restrospective of Large-Scale Drawings by Sol LeWitt Opens at MASS MoCA" on ArtDaily.com.
I saw a Sol LeWitt show at Dia Beacon a few years ago, and just loved it. While grabbing their URL for this post, I see that the show is still on exhibit there until September 2009. Check it out.
Also, I have a friend whose parents have a Sol LeWitt painting on their livingroom wall. It's not painted on canvas or board. It's painted directly on their wall, just like his work is painted on Mass MOCA's and Dia Beacon's walls. Pretty cool.
Before I knew the date that the Mass MOCA exhibition ends, I was trying to think of a good time to visit western Massachusetts as quickly as possible. Now that I know that it's 2033, and I'll be in my mid-70's when it closes, there's no rush. I know for a fact that I will see this show before my next birthday. Actually, since I seem to get to Mass MOCA at least once a year, I'll get to see this exhibit many times. That's nice.
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