Great minds think alike. Tracy Helgeson created a blog called The Fine Art Department (I love the name!) with the tag line "For All Your Affordable Fine Art Needs."
The Fine Art Department is similar to Small Art Showcase, which is a website I organized with the tag line "A collection of fine artists who are making their work accessible and affordable to art lovers and collectors."
I love networking, and that's what is happening. Both sites are making the work of a group of artists available and accessible, and will hopefully help sell some art work. I'm very interested to see how the website works out vs the blog format.
The piece up above is the one I have posted on The Fine Art Department. It's Recycled Fence Series #19/1, © 2008, Mixed Media, 12"x12", $325. You can see more of my Recycled Fence Series on my website, by clicking here
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Please visit SmallArtShowcase.com and TheFineArtDepartment.blogspot.com.