Football season is starting tonight, and I decided to participate in the same football pool as last year. I last posted about it on January 2nd, when I found out that I came in in 3rd place.
Last year, there were seven of us in the pool, all of whom follow football except me. This year I think there will be eight of us. Once again, I'll choose my teams by which city I like the best. If I had time, I'd go with uniform color, but it's too much work to investigate each week.
If I join my friends and family who are watching any games, I'll bring some hand sewing, since I don't understand football at all. I've tried to learn the rules, but I just don't get it. While they watch the game, I'll sew.
To celebrate art and football, visit the gallery page of James Jaxxa, and scroll down and click on the "Pink Football." It's made out of sequins, glass beads and straight pins on regulation size NFL football. Very nice!