Today I am 50 years old. I find it really strange to be saying this because I don't know where the time went that got me to this point. It feels like it was yesterday that I turned 40, and the day before that I was 30.
Given my interest in construction fences, I wanted to create a piece of art that celebrates the occasion, so I made a small (temporary) mixed media piece with a section of my newest purchase of a roll of "Silver Hardware Net", as mentioned on my blog on June 1st. I cut a section of the "Silver Hardware Net" that has 50 squares, and put one very long pin in each of the 50 squares.

When I turned 42 (in 1999 when I was making a small quilt a week), I made a small quilt with 42 strawberries and 42 stitched lines. Strawberries are in full season in Massachusetts around the time of my birthday, so that influenced me at the time. This piece was not included in my upcoming book , The Uncommon Quilter, which features 52 of the 365 small quilts I made from 1999-2005.
When I was younger, people who were 50 seemed so OLD. As a 50 year old today, I feel very young, healthy, and full of energy and creative ideas.