This is my June 2007 12 x 12 x 12 piece, which was inspired by an image from the NY Times Magazine, shown and discussed, in my June 2nd entry.
All of my 12 x 12 x 12 pieces from 2007 (so far) can be seen on my website. You can also check further down on my blog, to read about the other pieces I've created so far this year.
Because it's hard to see detail in the image above, here is a closeup of one section:

I did this design as a study for a larger piece I hope to do this summer. Thinking about what I like and don't like about it. I like the horizontal brown stripes, but I don't like the lack of contrast. If I do do a larger piece, I'll be sure to have more contrast by probably having similar dark sections where the windows are in the photo. If I have time, I'll try to work on this piece some more, to get more contrast. Funny how how something doesn't always turn out how it's envisioned.