It wasn't be a very artistically productive summer for me, unlike previous years. I did make make one weekly mixed media piece each week, my monthly 12 x 12 x 12 Series, and I also made 20 small pieces that were created by cutting up an older large piece, repainting it and reassembling it, starting the beginning of my new Recycled Fence Series. But, I did not work on a large piece since the beginning of June (above).
I'm not sure if I was stuck because I didn't know what to do next, or if I wasn't motivated, or there was too much going on this summer (work, helping various people move, watching the Olympics, the Democratic and Republican Conventions, jurying a show, socializing with friends who we haven't seen in dozens of years, and etc), or all of it.
What I do know is a week ago, my critique partner came back from a month long vacation, and I got to spend some time with her while I helped her get her images ready, so she can apply to a major show. We chatted for the two hours it took to scan her slides, and resize her images. As she left she asked if I could come over to see the piece she's working on. That was the push I needed.

After she left, I took the large piece down from my wall, put it on the table, got my paints out, and started working on it again. I didn't get much done (above), but I did decide what I want to do to finish it. To do this, I ordered some new colors of fabric paints from ProChem, so I can finish painting it, and start on its companion piece.

Above and below are some "sketches" I did with Photoshop, playing with possible next steps.