Friday, September 1, 2023

Work in Progress: Dates in a Life Walking Project 2023


Documenting the number of steps I have walked each day this year through August 2023. The green dots represent a foot injury from mid-May that had stopped me from walking for exercise. From May through July I was printing pencil eraser-size dots on the icons, because I only walking in the 2000-5000 steps range. 

For the first three weeks of August my foot had noticeable improvement and I was walking more and using smaller dots.

Now, my foot isn't completely better, but just about, so I have stopped with the dots and have been walking mostly in the 9000-10,000 steps range. The red icons show days I walked over 10,000 steps. Yesterday I walked 12,000 steps, which was 4.5 miles, and today I am not wishing I hadn't.

My hope is that I am now healed and can walk as much as my schedule and the weather will allow.