Thursday, October 1, 2020

Work in Progress: Dates in a Life Project 2020

Hello October! I'm now 3/4 of the way finished with my Dates in a Life Project 2020, a year-long painting project documenting the number of steps I walked, and the number of flights of stairs I climbed, each day. 

For me, walking is great exercise as well as a stress reducer. I'm going to try to keep the pace I had over the summer, but since we have less sunlight as we move toward fall and winter, and as work gets busier, it's going to be a challenge to walk as much as I did even in the spring. (All of this red shapes signifies walking 10,000 steps.)

One set of marks still not reflected on this painting yet is bike riding. I bought a pandemic bike at the end of May, whixh I have ridden some but not a lot. I'm still trying to decide how to best make marks reflecting the number of miles I ride, in addition the number of steps I walk.

This painting is mixed media on stiffened fabric. I keep track of my steps and flights of stairs using the Pedometer app in my iPhone.