I have a system of symbols to represent each thousand steps. Instead if showing exactly how many I walk each day, I’m rounding up or down. As an example, 2000-2499 steps equals 2000, and 2500-3000 equals 3000 steps.
The symbols in red represent 10,000 or more steps. Over the summer my plan has been to try to walk 10,000 or more steps on as many days as possible, but because of the heat and a few other reasons, I have not been able to achieve that goal as much as I wanted to in July. Hopefully August will be better.
I also hope I can walk at least 20,000 steps at least one or more times before the end of the year. I will be using yellow symbols to represent 20,000 or more steps.
Dates in a Life Project 2018 measures 33" x 39" and is created with monoprinted textures of a construction fence, combined with handpainting, stitching, and collaged fabric, on stiffened fabric.
To keep track of steps, I'm using the Health app in my iPhone. I've come to realize is unfortunately not always accurate, but continue to use it anyway.
Stay tuned for updates during the year.