The image used this month incorporates acrylic skins of photos of ice droplets on a piece of netting that protected my tiny water garden from filling up with leaves. I noticed the frozen droplets one morning while I was looking out the window when doing the dishes, so I ran outside to take some pictures. The photos are mounted on top of a monoprint of a small square patterned construction fence.
This is my ninth year working on this 12 x 12 x 12 series. It gives me time to create one 12" x 12" x 1" piece on board each month. It's a wonderful opportunity for me to experiment with an idea or technique or a combination of both. Some of the pieces over the months and years have been really good, and others not so much. The only rules I have are that I have make something in the given month, and I can't throw the work out, even if it's unsuccessful.
I just started preparing new acrylic skins of the photographs for the 12 x 12 piece I'll make in July.