I'm working on a new un-named series of five (and possibly ten) new pieces that are on 10" x 22" boards. Part of each piece has a layer of moulding paste on the board, where I'm applying acrylic paint with a medium to slow the drying time down, so I could draw the pattern of an orange a construction fence into each one.
After applying the paint to the surface, I've been laying a piece of a construction fence on top of the paint before I draw into it. Because the paint is slow to dry, and because I'm starting with more paint than I need on the surface, I have been making monoprints as a way to remove the extra paint, and also as a way to get the texture of the surface of what I'm using to create the prints on the boards. I've been using paper towels, plastic sheeting, newspaper, fabric...
The pictures above are some of the raw monoprints, right after I pulled them off the surface. I'm not sure what I'll be doing with them, but I'm sure at least some of them will show up in my work somewhere soon.