The Winter 2009 issue of Surface Design Journal arrived in the mail, and I was very excited to see it. I'm one of the artists in the article: "One Cloth, One Quilt: Whole Cloth Composition," by Rachel Cochran & Judy Langille, on pages 14 - 21.
Artists mentioned in the article are, Judy Langille, Rachel Cochran, Joan Dreyer, Ann Johnston, Clare Plug, Barb Wills, and me. I like and respect all of these artists' work, and it is an honor to be in their company.
I've been in many magazine articles, and I think this is one of the best, if not the best. Obviously, since I work with whole cloth, the subject was really interesting to me, but so was the way it was written. It was very easy to understand and relate to. I felt like all of the artists were giving me a written demo of their work. That's how understandable it was. Quite a compliment from a visual person, who usually needs illustrations to help figure things out. No need in this article.
Thank you very much to the Surface Design Journal, as well as Rachel Cochran and Judy Langille.