Below is a collection of different articles and opinion pieces posted in various places for you to read about The Rose Art Museum, and Brandeis University, if interested. They are posted in order of pub date. Each piece has a slightly different slant, and offers something different to think about.
"Five Rose-related Questions" on Arts Journal, dated January 27, 2009.
"A Talk With: Michael Rush" on January 28, 2009, and "Curiouser and Curiouser" on January 29, 2009, both by Richard Lacayo in a Time Magazine blog.
Edward Winkleman scroll down to read "Brandeis: Art = Cash" on January 29th and "A junkie pawning his wedding ring" on January 28, 2009.
"The Rape of the Rose" by David Bonetti in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch on January 29, 2009.
Scroll down to read "The New England Journal of Aesthetic Research "Brandeis’s liquidator-in-chief" on January 29, 2009 and "Question: Will Brandeis close?" on January 30, 2009.
"Brandeis updates" on HubArts dated January 30th, and "On the Rose, Brandeis alumni align with the administration" on January 31, 2009.
"Students rally for Brandeis museum. Loss will hurt school stature, protesters say," by Lisa Kocian on January 30, 2009 in the Boston Globe.
Boston Globe Editorial "War of the Rose" on January 30, 2009.
"A lesson for Brandeis: Include your students" by Jaclyn Saffir on January 31, 2009. (Jaclyn Saffir is a junior at Brandeis University and an editorial assistant in the Globe's editorial pages)
"First-timers, old friends visit Rose. As news of closure spreads, many are drawn to modern art collection," by Eric Moskowitz on February 1, 2009 in The Boston Globe.
Op-Ed piece, "A betrayal of trust at Brandeis," by Miles Unger on February 1, 2009 in The Boston Globe.
"Brandeis Students: Save The Rose," by Brian Friedberg and Penelope Taylor on February 1, 2009 in Big Red & Shiny.
"Backlash to Brandeis Closing The Rose," by Mathew Nash and Micah J. Malone on February 1, 2009 in Big Red & Shiny.
From Obit Magazine, "Can A Museum Die?," by Jeff Weinstein on February 2, 2009.
And, an undated "Statement from Michael Rush, Director of the Rose Art Museum, regarding the impending closing of the museum."