Last weekend I visited an art school friend who had a few issues of W magazine hanging around, and there were some very interesting art articles. I'll highlight a few over the next few days.
One article I read was "W Profile: Top Gund: Art-world doyenne Agnes Gund revamps her masterpiece-lined Park Avenue abode," by Julie L. Belcove in W magazine's January 2009 issue.
Quoting the article, "Most dog owners train their pets not to beg at the table, jump up on guests or bark at the mail carrier. But Tina and Giotto, both Wheaten Terriers, are art-trained dogs, and being that their mistress is Agnes Gund, they'd better be. The fluffy beige canines miraculously avoid crashing into the ancient Chinese and African sculptures ...... clustered on pedestals. More astounding, they disturb not one grain of rice poured in piles on a slab of marble in a floor work by Wolfgang Laib, even while alternating between barking, snarling, growling and nearly mauling each other, which Gund waves off as "playing." They are my favorite beings, these dogs," she says. "But we have a problem that they do get very excited."" The article then goes on to talk about her incredible art collection.
I found it interesting to read this article, mainly because I'm always curious about what art, if any, people choose to hang in their homes. During election season, I found myself in a few large, very expensive homes, of some people I don't know, but who were having local and national election events. One home had a noticeable lack of art, and one had a signed and numbered Roy Lichtenstein print in the living room, as well as some sculptures (by I'm not sure who). That was a home I wish I had had permission to wander around, to see what art they had in other rooms. That would have been fun.