I read "This painter uses an expansive palette," by Cate McQuaid in the Boston Globe, on January 7, 2009, with great interest.
Quoting from the article, "Andrea Myers considers herself a painter. You might not know it wandering through her show at Steven Zevitas Gallery. You'll see ripped stacks of paper and fabric collages on the wall, piles of fabric on the floor and on a pedestal, but nothing you might immediately think of as a painting. That's Myers's point. The Chicago artist intends to push at the edges of painting's definition. Sometimes she does that with wit and daring, and sometimes the leap she asks her viewers to take is just too great - but even then, her objects captivate." Read more.
See more of Andres Myer's work.
The Steven Zevitas Gallery is at 450 Harrison Ave in Boston. I'm hoping I can get in to Boston to see this show, which is open through Jan. 17th.
As an artist who uses painting and printmaking techniques on fabric in her work, I am glad to read that Ms Myers labels herself as a painter. Not only because she uses fabric in her work, but because some of her work is sculptural. I've been using Mixed Media for my label. Maybe I should reconsider?