I enjoyed reading a review about Boston Art Museums in 2008, "Bold Strokes at Mass MoCA; Inspiration at the ICA," by Sebastian Smee in the Boston Globe on December 28, 2008.
Quoting from Mr Smee (who I very much enjoy reading):
"This year saw the new Institute of Contemporary Art truly come into its own, thanks largely to two inspired exhibitions: the Anish Kapoor show in the summer and the ongoing Tara Donovan show.
Everyone in the art scene seems to agree: Boston needs the ICA to thrive. Exhibits like this - intelligent, original, seductive - are the best way to go about guaranteeing success. They are not easy to organize (both artists make complex, large-scale work involving unusual materials, and the logistics alone might have deterred less fearless curators). But when they work, the sense of excitement is palpable and has a galvanizing effect on the art scene across the region."
... and also a surprise quote I very much appreciate, since I know many many local artists who are deserving of high quality exhibition space:
"It's a lot to expect from a smallish institution with limited space. But ideally, the ICA will find a way not only to mount ambitious shows by artists of international stature, like Donovan and Kapoor, but to pay more than token attention to artists based locally."
Read more.