I've been tagged a few times, and never followed through with it. (Sorry.) This morning I was tagged again, this time by Cynthia who has a blog called art for housewives. I felt guilty turning her down, so I decided to do it, focusing on art.
If you're tagged, the rules are:
- Link to the person who tagged you.
- Post the rules on your blog.
- Write six random things about yourself.
- Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them.
- Let each person know they've been tagged and leave a comment on their blog (or in my case, since I don't have or like to comment on blogs, I'll email them.)
- Let the tagger know when your entry is up.
Here are my six random (art) related things:
1 - My major in art school started out in jewelry, but I was really unhappy, so the school let me switch to fibers since it was also in the "crafts" department and I had completed almost all of the requirements at the time.
2 - One of my two art school jobs was as an elevator operator in the dorm. It had its ups and downs. :)
3 - I made my first art quilt was made in 1977 (pictured above), in the summer between my junior and senior year. I had no idea a "movement" was starting, and I didn't even know what an art quilt was. Was that term even around then?
4 - I had no idea what to do for a career after majoring in fibers, so I went to graduate school and got my masters in art education, focusing on teaching art to children with disabilities. My most favorite art teaching job was at United Cerebral Palsy in Brooklyn NY, where my students were passionate about art, and the staff was wonderful to work with.
5 - I gave up trying to find an art and special ed teaching job when I returned to Massachusetts in 1982, because there were no art teaching jobs anywhere in MA due to "Proposition 2 1/2," a huge statewide tax cut. I interned, and then had a few jobs doing computer graphics, including a few years as a type designer.
6 - In art school, the focus in the fibers department was on weaving. I taught myself how to paint on fabric in 1984 when I wanted to paint some baby t-shirts for a friend. That turned in to a small business named "Wear Art Thou" where I handstamped hundreds of baby clothes a year, for many many years, and that's how I started painting and handstamping on fabric in my art work.
I visited the blogs of those I have linked from mine, and found a number of people have been tagged recently, so I don't want to re-tag them. Please forgive me if you're busy, but I'm tagging:
Catherine Carter
Elizabeth Barton
Virginia Fitzgerald
Nancy Minksy
Adria Arch
Linda Frost