I don't see any changes with my family's rubberband ball since my last post two weeks, front or back.

Two weeks ago, after I posted my biweekly update, I realized there was a change that I didn't notice, and therefore didn't mention then, so I'll point it out now.

The arrow on the photo above points to a broken white rubberband from Lees Market (in Westport Massachusetts). Usually I wouldn't know where a certain band was from, except this one says "Lees" on it. It's near the front, but not too obvious from the front photos, though it is there. I guess it must have broken 2-4 weeks ago.
Note, I do know the greenish bands were from Whole Foods, and most of the tan ones were from our mail carrier. A lot of the colored bands are from produce, like broccoli.
I try to post updates every two weeks or so. If you'd like to see what it's looked like in the past, click here. To see what the first picture I posted, in July 2007, click here.
There's also a short movie of my rubberband ball on youtube, that shows the pictures I took from July 2007-June 2008.
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