On exhibit through September 1, 2008, in the John Madejski Garden at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, England, "Poly & Chai", by Yung Ho Chang. The installation is a set of free standing screens, created from green recyclable plastic paving blocks commonly used in parking lots, driveways and construction sites all over China. Visitors are encouraged to walk through this installation.

One of the most fun things about having a blog is the sharing of information and ideas. Lesley Zampatti sent these pictures to me (and her permission to post them), after a recent visit to the Victoria and Albert Museum. Thank you very much Lesley!

This exhibit, and the materials used, are of interest to me since I use construction fences, which are also grid-like, in my work. If I had access to the green recyclable plastic paving blocks, I would definitely make monoprints of them on fabric and try using them in my art work.