I'm taking a class called Artist's Professional Toolbox, that is being run by The Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts of Massachusetts, Inc. This program is for practicing artists, and is designed to teach the skills necessary to help us work on our career goals, learn about copyright and trademark laws, contracts, financial planning, bettering our portfolios, how to approach galleries, etc. I'll write more about the class again soon, but in the mean time.....
I have not submitted my portfolio to any galleries in a few years. Since taking the class, I have a better knowledge of how to present myself via my portfolio. Yesterday, I sent my portfolio to a gallery I have admired for years, which shows work that I feel mine would fit in nicely. I have no idea if the gallery will be interested or not, but you can't get anywhere if you don't try. This is a peek of what my portfolio looked like before I packaged it up.