This is a picture of my work in the Distinctive Directions exhibit. From left to right is Orange Construction Fence Series #51, #58, #47 (the cousin of #46 which is hanging at Art Quilts Elements 2008, as seen in my post yesterday), and #55. Thank you to Lisa Call who took this picture.
So far this year, I've had many good exhibition opportunities. I have work in three shows that Opened in the past week, and two of the shows had opening receptions the exact same night. They are Art Quilts Elements 2008 at the Wayne Art Center in Wayne, PA, and Distinctive Directions at the Lux Center for the Arts in Lincoln, NE.
While I would have loved being in two places at the same time, I had to choose one. Art Quilts Elements 2008 won because I could drive there, which is significantly cheaper than flying. I wish I could have attended both Openings.
The Distinctive Directions exhibit includes the work of Deidre Adams, Pam RuBert, Joanie San Chirico, and me (JeanneWilliamson). At the same time and location, is "Fencing in or Keeping Out", an exhibit of Lisa Call's work.

There are more Distinctive Directions and Fencing in or Keeping Out pictures, as well as travel adventures, on Lisa Call's blog. It's a fun read.