Segueing to the topic of art and math, specifically fiber art and math......

If you're a knitter, who also likes math, check out the book "Making Mathematics with Needlework" by sarah-marie belcastro. She is a Co-Director of the Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics (HCSSiM), (and also a Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Smith College), a wonderful summer math program for high school students. I wish her much success with her new book.

If you crochet and like math, check out the "crochet coral reef"! I read about this project in the NY Times recently and found it fascinating. To quote right off The Institute For Figuring website "The Institute For Figuring is crocheting a coral reef: a woolly celebration of the intersection of higher geometry and feminine handicraft, and a testimony to the disappearing wonders of the marine world." Besides crocheting yarn for this project, there's also a section about crocheting plastic yarn. How cool is that?!? (Please note that the coral reef crochet photo above is posted here with permission from The Institute For Figuring.)