Four of my pieces, Orange Construction Fence Series #58, #55, #51, and #47, will be on exhibit at The Lux Center for the Arts 2008 Fiber Invitational show called "Distinctive Directions". The show, curated by Lisa Call, and brings together four artists, Deidre Adams, Pam RuBert, Joanie San Chirico, and me (JeanneWilliamson), who use stitching, painting, printmaking, collage and other techniques to create their unique textile and mixedmedia works.
Also on exhibit at The Lux Center for the Arts, is "Fencing in or Keeping Out", an exhibit of Textile Paintings by Lisa Call.
The five of us are also participating in the Distinctive Directions Blog.

The Lux Center for the Arts is located in Lincoln, Nebraska, and both shows are on exhibit from April 4-26, 2008. The Opening is on April 4th frrom 5-7 pm. I will (unfortunately) not be able to attend because I'll be in Philadelphia attending the Opening for Art Quilt Elements.