Eight adults and three kids at a Super Bowl party last night, with one of them (me) sewing. I stitched the sleeves on to the four pieces that are going to be in the Distinctive Directions show at the Lux Gallery in Lincoln, Nebraska, in April. The picture above shows a little of the top of the four pieces I was working on. It would have been boring to show the sleeves I was sewing, since they are white fabric stitched to white backs, with white thread.
I started at kick off, and was able to finish everything with 8 minutes, 24 seconds left in the game. That included stitching through the half-time show, but stopping every now and then for some commercials, and also to munch on guacamole and chips, veggies, ribs, wings, "pigs in a blanket", nachos, chocolates, and football shaped chocolate cake. (Not the most nutritious night, but it could have been a lot worse.) Everyone was cheering and/or telling the refs what they should be doing. I had no idea what they were talking about. It was still a lot of fun, and I got some good sewing done.
Sorry New England Patriots. :(