Above is the front size of my nineth Weekly Mixed Media piece this year, and below the back side.

Since I'm not at full strength after a week of the flu, I decided to take it easy on making this week's piece. So far this year, it's taken me one hour plus to create each one, and I don't have enough energy to do that yet. This week I decided to use felted scraps from weeks past, and to put them together in a pleasing way.

These are some of the scraps I've collected from past weeks.

I chose some scraps to use ...

... and pulled them tightly together.

Then I needle punched the fibers to "bond" them as one unit.

This is the back of the same piece, before cutting it down to size.
I added some black stitching to the front side, and cut it to 6" square. The whole thing took 15 minutes or so. Very managable.
You can see my 2008 weekly mixed media work (so far) on my website, and read about my process/progress here on my blog.