I've been invited to be in a show that's being curated by Lisa Call. She chose four of us to participate, (Deidre Adams, Pam Rubert, Joanie San Chirico and me, because we call work in a series. The show will be at the Lux Center for the Arts, in Lincoln Nebraska, from April 4-26, 2008. Also in the gallery space, Lisa will have a solo show called "Fencing In or Keeping Out."
Lisa has set up a website about our show, which is called Distinctive Directions, and a Distinctive Directions blog.
On her own blog, Lisa explains how she picked the work for our show by making a model of the gallery and laying the work out ahead of time so she knows it works as a group. I love how she did it! I'm a visual thinker, so I'll remember how she did it, if (when) I am able to curate a show.