I am very happy to announce that I am the author of the book The Uncommon Quilter: Small Art Quilts Created with Paper, Plastic, Fiber and Surface Design, which is being published by Potter Craft (Random House), and will be available in October 2007.
From January 1, 1999 to December 31, 2005, I made one small quilt a week, completing a total of 365 quilts. The purpose of this project was to play and experiment, and to give myself the time to be creative, no matter what else was going on in my life.
The Uncommon Quilter shares 52 of these small quilts, with step-by-step illustrated instructions, and what inspirated me to make each quilt. The book is divided into four chapters, Plastic, Paper, Surface Design and Fiber. There is no need to buy expensive materials when creating these quilts. Most of the materials used can be found around your home or neighborhood.
I am honored that the foreword was written by Karey Bresenhan, the Director of the International Quilt Festival, and the Author of Creative Quilting; The Journal Quilt Project.
I hope you'll visit The Uncommon Quilter website to learn more about my book.