I feel very fortunate to be included in the video. I'm interviewed in segment 3 (which features Art Quilts Philadelphia last year), and I am about 46 minutes into the entire video (not including PBS fundraising breaks). There is also a segment of Quilt National 2005, that includes a very special interview with Hilary Fletcher, as well as a few short clips of my QN quilt.

What I really like about The Art of Quilting is that the artists they highlighted discussed where were they get their inspiration, and how they each have a passion for their work. That made it very special.
If The Art of Quilting isn't going to be shown on your local station, consider ordering the DVD online from PBS, to show your support. Also included on the DVD, and not shown on PBS, is segment 4 which has another 20 minutes of interviews and quilts. I highly recommend buying the DVD.
The Art of Quilting website is: www.pbs.org/americaquilts.