Sunday, July 12, 2009

12 x 12 x 12 July in Process

I've been really busy with various art and non-art related things, but was able to grab a few minutes to print the fabric for my 12 x 12 x 12 July piece. I wanted to try printing with my new white construction fence. It's nice to print off of because it's not lumpy like many construction fences are. I also like the square grid.

I'm going to print yardage of this fence very soon because I have plans to use it when I take my (sorta) staycation in a few weeks. This fence is only 24" wide, instead of the 48"+ widths I'm used to printing off of. I've got plans to take advantage of this size, and create new work. Very manageable.

Will work on my July 12 x 12 x 12 now that the fabric's been printed and will post pictures ASAP. Gotta finish it by the end of July, which is coming up pretty fast.