Sunday, April 2, 2023

Work in Progress: Dates in a Life Walking Project 2023

Here is my walking in March and also January through March (and room for the rest of the year) in my work in progress "Dates in a Life Walking Project 2023", a year-long painting documenting the number of steps I walk each day. I have been documenting my steps in paintings since 2016.

The fabric is a monoprinted and stitched multi-colored grid. Iridescent Bronze background paint signifies the days days I am home or away vs. when I'm in the office at work, all of which have an influence on the number of steps I walk each day. And, now that it's spring, I have more light for walking safely outdoors.

Black icons are the number of steps by the thousand under 10,000, and the red icons are the number by the thousand 10,000 or over.