Saturday, August 8, 2020

Work in Progress: Hoping to Avoid a Second Wave

I started a new painting, and perhaps a new series, Hoping to Avoid a Second Wave. The Covid-19 numbers in Massachusetts have been pretty low for the past month or so, but are now starting to inch up as people grow restless and want to socialize during the summer. My family and I are still being diligent and not taking risks unless we have to, but as I walk around my neighborhood and see big parties, I am filled with a range of feelings about it. This painting is trying to express visually what I'm feeling inside.

These photos show work in progress, the actual painting so far (above), a photo of the painting a few days ago (bottom) that I printed out, cut up and taped together (below) in an experiment for my next steps before I cut it up and reassemble the actual painting and try not to screw it up.