Tuesday, August 4, 2020

New Work: Trying to Stay Safe from Germs #5

Trying to Stay Safe from Germs #5 is the fifth (and maybe last) piece in this series, and not as overly geometric as my other work. Maybe it's a new direction and maybe not. We shall see.

Monoprinted textures of construction fences are used to represent how we’re trying to stay safe during the pandemic, similar to how construction sites use construction fences as a barrier to keep people out of danger by blocking off the site. Fabric paint on a drop cloth, which can be seen behind the stitched grid of the fence, represents germs we can not see. 

The top whole cloth layer of the fence is stitched to the drop cloth foundation below. The fence “holes” are cut away so drop cloth pattern can be seen through the fence. The two layers of fabric are then stiffened.

Trying to Stay Safe from Germs #5 measures 21.5” x 23.5”.