Sunday, March 22, 2020

New Work: Observation After Surgery: Laundry

For the first two months after donating my kidney, I was not allowed to lift more than 10 lbs, which included our laundry basket. In addition, loading and unloading the washer and dryer was very painful, so my husband took over doing our laundry.

In our over 37 years of marriage, doing the laundry has been my household job. I never minded it, because I am very grateful that he’s the cook, a task I do not enjoy. 

Now that I’m over three months post surgery, I can lift up to 30 lbs. Doing the laundry doesn’t hurt, and I’m glad to be doing it again. I find it sweet that my husband is still offering to help. I think he liked doing it. :)

In this painting, the washer agitator, in the center, represents my belly button, and the red stitched line represents my scar, which ends a little below the side of my belly button.

Observation After Surgery: Laundry is mixed media on stiffened fabric. It measures 13” x 9.5”.