While organizing plans to go to Philadelphia the first weekend of March for Fiber Philadelphia, and more specifically the Opening of the 8th International Fiber Biennial at the Snyderman-Works Gallery, I went to their website to double check the dates of the show, and I got a nice surprise.
Happily, all of the art in the Biennial is on their website (mine is captured in the picture above). I am really honored that The Fence As Lace #6 will be hanging in this show, near or next to many artists who are internationally known, and some of whom whose work I have followed since I was in Art School in the late 1970's.
TheFence As Lace #6 is mixed media on stiffened fabric, measures 72" x 73" and was created in 2011.
The 8th International Fiber Biennial will be at the Snyderman-Works Gallery from March 2nd through April 28, 2012 in Philadelphia, PA.
My name is proud.