Sunday, August 28, 2011

Outdoor Installations After Irene (so far)

As the worst of Tropical Storm Irene was starting to leave Massachusetts this evening, I went outside to check on my two outdoor installations, and also my house, yard and cars. All were OK, thank goodness.

Others in Natick were not as fortunate. At least two dozen roads were closed or impassable as of this evening. More than 100 trees have fallen, some on houses and cars, there were at least 44 downed wires across town, and many homes are without power. Our power has gone off only for a few seconds a few times this evening. Hopefully it will stay on.

As far as I know, we got at least 5.5" of rain from Saturday afternoon through Sunday night, along with the extremely strong gusts of wind.

All of my outdoor artwork is fine. The installation in my front yard is shown above. Below is the piece in my backyard. It's hiding underneath the vines from a fall blooming clematis.
There is more information about these installations on my website.