Last night I went to see the Mark Bradford's show at the Institute of Contemporary Art in Boston (ICA).
Here is a description from the ICA's website:
"Through his collaged paintings, sculptures, videos, and installations, Mark Bradford explores issues of class, race, and gender in American urban society. An archeologist of his own environment, Los Angeles, Bradford uses found materials—peeling movie posters, hand-lettered “FOR SALE” signs, endpapers used to perm black hair, salvaged plywood—which he layers, embellishes, erodes, and reconstitutes into abstract compositions.
The first survey exhibition of the artist’s work, Mark Bradford includes painting, sculpture, installation, and video from 1997 to 2010, and several new works. Mark Bradford is a touring exhibition organized by the Wexner Center for the Arts, The Ohio State University."
All I can say about Mark and his work is WOW! I totally loved it, and anyone who knows me and my work will understand why.
If you haven't seen his show, and you live in the Boston area, please do before it closes on March 13, 2011. If you aren't able to, then please visit his website. And even if you can see his show, visit his website too.
Image shown: Mark Bradford, "Strawberry," 2002. Collection of Barbara and Bruce Berger.