Friday, October 3, 2008

Voting and The Arts

I wasn't going to post this until closer to Election Day in the United States, but now that there is early voting in many states, I thought it's a good time to post.

While I hate to admit that there could possibly be any issues more important than the Arts, there are. The economy, the war, healthcare, and etc, are obviously moe important, but for anyone who is interested in the opinions that the candidates have about the Arts, here are some links to follow:

Presidential candidates: "The Fine Art of Politics," by Elizabeth Currid, and "McCain and Obama's arts policy statements," The Salt Lake Tribune, 10/03/2008.

John McCain: I couldn't find any Arts policy info on his website. All I could find is this: "McCain's anticipated arts platform comes in at four sentences long," by Julie Checkoway, The Salt Lake Tribune, 10/03/2008. If you can find a better link, please send it to me.

Barack Obama: "Obama '08 Arts Policy Committee" and "A Platform in Support for the Arts."

U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate: Vote smArt - Americans for the Arts, Congressional Arts Report Card 2008 "Your Guide to Voting for the Arts in 2008."

Whether you can vote early, or must wait until November 4th, please vote!