Friday, May 23, 2008


I am very lucky to have a nearby art friend who critiques my work (and I critique hers). We both have very different styles, but what is special is that we can both look at each other's work and offer suggestions about problem areas that need work. It's very hard to do this on your own, because when you look at something too long, you tend not to notice.

A few days ago I went to her studio, and she offered me valuable advise. She felt that some of the horizontal stitching in Orange Construction Fence Series #61 and Orange Construction Fence Series #62 needed to be more obvious. When she mentioned it, I had to agree with her. Below are before and after detail pictures, but I should note that it will probably not be obvious. Look closely.

She suggested that the horizontal stitching in the white sections of Orange Construction Fence Series #61, needed to be darker. Here is before:

... and here is after ...

For Orange Construction Fence Series #62, she thought that the horizontal stitching in darker section needed to be darker. Here is before:

... and here is after ...

I will see my photographer next week. When I get my images back from him, I will post the full images here on my blog and on my website.