This is my seventeenth Weekly Mixed Media piece this year. The front side is above, and the back side below.

It's that time during Spring when the forsythia is blooming, and to keep up with my tradition of creating a forsythia piece, each year that I was making a quilt a week, I felt that I should use forsythia as my theme this week.

To create your own, cut a piece of tan wool felt fabric, and on top of it, place a piece of light green pre-felted fleece over about two thirds of the top space, and a piece of brown pre-felted fleece over the bottom third. Then place pieces of thin, funky black yarn on top of the pre-felted fleece, so it mimics the branches of a forsythia bush. Needle felt everything in place from the top down, and don't get concerned if the yarn bunches up or moves when it is felted in place.

This is what mine looked like after felting it. from the top down, and after flipping it over and lightly felting it again from the bottom side, and flipping it over again and lightly felting it again from the top down.

Cut four 10 inch pieces of yellow felt, or pre-felted fleece, that is about 1/4" wide, or cut some yellow yarn.

Randomly cut the yellow felt/fleece/yarn into little pieces and scatter them all over the top of the main felted piece. They will bounce all over the place as felt them.

Many will bounce off your work, and some will get stuck in your needles and finger protector. Stop your machine, and remove the stuck pieces. It is bad for your machine for them to be there.

As long as you have a nice assortment felted in place on your art work, don't feel the need to felt the ones that landed on your table or lap, unless you want to.

Turn the piece over and lightly felt from the top down, to help keep the tiny yellow pieces in place. Turn over again, so the top is face up, and lightly felt again.
Cut to 6" square, and using your sewing machine, stitch approximately 9 lines that look like forsythia branches, to enhance the yarn branches.
You can see my 2008 weekly mixed media work (so far) on my website, and read about my process/progress here on my blog.