My seventh Weekly Mixed Media piece this year. It was influenced by a wrapped building project I saw when driving down Memorial Drive in Cambridge, Massachusetts last week.

Thankfully I had a stoplight, so I could take a quick picture from inside the car. If I didn't have the stoplight, I guess it would have had to be a memory because parking in Cambridge is very difficult to find. I would have preferred a better picture, and more views, but this is all I had time to get.

I started with a base of off white wool felt. In top of it I a piece of brown pre-felted fleece vertically and strips of tan pre-felted fleece horizontally. Then I added the yellow strip vertically next to the brown strip but on top of the tan strips. After that the two pieces of off white pre-felted fleece went on top of most of the yellow and tan strips, and I cut and manipulated two sections of the white to represent the ripping as seen in the photo of the building.

This is the result of needle felting it from the top side only a few times...

... and this is the back side of the same step.
Because there were a lot of needle marks from felting it only from the top side, I washed it in hot water and dish soap. To dry it I used a combination of air drying it and ironing it. If it takes over an hour to dry in the winter, it's going to take a very long time when summer comes. Need to think about how to handle that.

This is the back side of the finished piece, after I stitched the lines and added some yarn to the brown section.
You can see my 2008 weekly mixed media work (so far) on my website, and read about my process/progress here on my blog.