Wednesday, November 28, 2007

the dress project

I was walking around downtown Natick Massachusetts (where I live) yesterday, and there was a storefront filled with wonderful sculptural art dresses. They are not dresses you can wear. They're sculptures of dresses. I didn't know it but I was walking by the studio of Natick resident, and sculptor, Virginia Fitzgerald, and the dresses are part of her series, "the dress project". I met Virginia and her work, at an opening at the Danforth Museum (in Framingham, MA) in the springtime, and I totally connected with her and the dresses. I'm pretty shy about knocking on doors unannounced, but I HAD to knock this time. Being in Virginia's studio was the equivalent of a kid in a candy store!

If you have a moment, I highly suggest that you visit Virginia's website and look at the five different pages of dresses she has made (so far) for the "the dress project". Some of the dresses are made from jute, rubber tubing, stones, vegetables, and etc.

One note, this dress was created with eggshells. The picture above shows better detail. I did ask Virginia for permission to post these pictures on my blog. (I would never use another artist's image without permission.)