Sunday, June 2, 2013

Fence Curtain 3.0 Approval

I've received good news. The installation I thought I wasn't going to be able to install has been OK'd. 

Before the end of June, I'll be installing Fence Curtain 3.0, that will look similar to this sketch, at Occupying the Present at HarborArts at the Boston Harbor Shipyard,
East Boston, MA.

There was a delay in the approval, and I’m really happy that in the end, the answer was yes. I'll start making it this week, so I can get it installed before the June 29th Opening. I basically have three weeks to make and install it, but I've worked under tighter deadlines before, and though I'll be busy with this project and a number of others, this is totally doable.

I have no idea how I'm going to install it without falling in Boston Harbor, but I'll figure it out.