The Fence As Lace #1 is on exhibit at the Danforth Museum of Art in Framingham, MA from June 3 -
August 5, 2012, in the 2012 Off the Wall
I'm very happy to be showing this piece, which I
made a year ago when I was at an art residency at the Vermont Studio Center. The Fence As Lace #1 is one of ten pieces I
made while there, and I added a few more to the series after I returned home.
The Fence As Lace series was my first opportunity to create large work, and
it's led to many wonderful opportunities, including my first huge installation Fence/Curtain 1.0.
There are two shows running concurrently at the
Danforth Museum, Off the Wall and A Community of Artists. If
you can get to the Danforth while both shows are up, you'll be happy you did.
There are many talented artists included in both shows, and a lot of great art
to see.
Shown: The Fence As Lace #1, mixed media on stiffened
fabric, 66" x 48", 2011