Friday, December 12, 2008

Small Art Showcase Update

Small Art Showcase now has 24 artists, and I'm going to leave it at that number for at least the time being. I would like to thank everyone on the site, and everyone who has been supportive in general. It's been a fair amount of work, but I am very glad to do it because it's an excellent networking opportunity, as well as a way to try to sell art work.

The traffic on the site is good for only being live for three weeks. I hope that it continues to increase as word gets out.

A few artists have already sold work via the site, which is very good news in this economy. I hope that continues.

The reason I started Small Art Showcase is because I know a lot of people who have said they want to buy my work, but don't have the room or money for a large piece. When I started making the Recycled Fence Series, which is my smaller and less expensive work, I thought it would be better to try to sell work with a group of artists than only on my own. And what a better way than by doing it via the internet. People can go art "shopping" any time of day, any where in the country, dressed or in their pajamas.

If the site's web traffic increases, and the artists start selling more work, I'll consider adding another 6 - 12 artists. To get the 24 artists currently on the site meant I probably spoke to close to 50 artists. Lot's of networking. There is now a waiting list, so if I add more artists, I don't have to do as much outreach as I did when I started.