Friday, October 23, 2020

Chain of 6 and Counting News!

I created this Chain of 6 and Counting painting a few months after I donated my kidney in December 2019, in exchange for the kidney our son received one year ago today.

This week I participated in a University of Washington Kidney Donor and Recipient Zoom meeting.

Before the meeting, we knew that the chain started with an altruistic kidney donor at the University of Washington Hospital in Seattle in mid-2019 but we had no details.  

It turns out that our son’s donor was coincidentally on the meeting, and the altruistic donor was also briefly there. I contacted my son, he was available and he joined and we all met. It was so cool!

There was a little discussion about our chain during the meeting, and then much discussion via Facebook Messenger later that day. Here's what we found out...

The altruistic donor who started the chain is Rebecca. Her uncle died of kidney failure before she knew about the indirect donor program and decided to donate one of her kidneys in honor of him.

In 2018, Phiroce found out that he was in complete kidney failure. In July 2019, he received Rebecca's kidney.

On October 23, 2019, Layna donated her kidney to Jonah in exchange for the one Phiroce received.

In December 2019 I donated kidney to Ruth in Wisconsin in exchange for Jonah's.

Adding to this story, my father died after his kidney transplant in 1975, and that was a second reason I wanted to donate (indirectly) to Jonah.

I have not yet heard if and when Ruth’s indirect donor had their surgery. If I do hear, I will either update this painting or create a second one.

On this one year anniversary, I want to say thank you to Rebecca, and Layna, and also thanks to Jonah's medical team and mine, and to all of our friends and family members for their support!

Chain of 6 and Counting measures 17.25” x 14.25” and is mixed media on stiffened fabric.